This recipe is my original recipe that I created in order to go to the audition of MasterChef Malaysia. But since then, I never cook this dishes again because I was so busy cooking another stuffs. Opppss... don't ask me if I manage to get through the audition or not because it is a secret. LOL! Well, enjoy... :-)
Stir Fried Prawn Cheese with Red Pepper Cream Sauce
(Udang Goreng Berkeju dan Sos Lada Benggala Merah Berkrim)
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For the prawn/Untuk udang
8 pcs of medium-large to large size of prawn (to be cleaned)/ekor udang saiz sederhana besar atau besar (dibersihkan)
1 egg white /putih telur
5 tablespoon of corn flour/sudu makan tepung jagung
Water to mix with corn flour/air untuk dicampurkan dengan tepung jagung
Salt to taste/garam untuk perasa
2 slice of cheddar cheese/keping keju cheddar
Mixed prawns that have been cleaned with egg whites that have been put salt to taste. Stir until smooth and then coated with corn flour pre-mixed with water and some salt. Then fried the prawns till cooked. Strain the oil aside. Arrange on a plate and tear pieces of cheddar cheese on top of the prawns and put in the high-power microwave for 30 seconds or until cheese melts.
Udang yang telah dibersihkan, dicampurkan dengan putih telur yang telah diletak garam secukup rasa. Gaulkan hinngga sebati kemudian disalutkan dengan campuran tepung jagung bersama air dan sedikit garam. Kemudian digoreng dalam minyak yang banyak. Sesudah masak, tapis bagi mengetepikan minyak. Susun di atas pinggan dan koyak-koyakkan kepingan keju cheddar dan masukkan ke dalam ketuhar mikro dengan kuasa tinggi selama 30 saat atau sehingga keju cair.
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For the sauce/Untuk sos
1 tablespoon of walnut or olive oil /sudu makan minyak walnut atau zaitun
1 clove large garlic / ulas bawang putih besar
1 small size onion / bawang besar saiz kecil
1 tablespoon of tomato puree/sudu makan pati tomato
1 medium size red pepper / lada benggala merah saiz sederhana
1/2 cup of chicken stock / cawan stok ayam
200g of heavy or whip cream / cream berat atau putar
Dash of dried thyme / sedikit daun thyme kering
Salt & pepper for seasoning / garam & lada hitam untuk perisa
Sauté garlic and onion in walnut or olive oil till tender. Add diced red pepper, tomato paste and dried thyme. Cook for 2 minutes, stir constantly. Add chicken stock and bring to boil, till sauce is reduced by almost half. Add heavy or whip cream, simmer till it reduced again or thickened. Put a little salt and pepper to taste. Remove from heat, pour into blender container. Puree until smooth.
Goreng bawang putih dan besar sehingga lembut. Masukkan lada benggala merah yang dipotong dadu, pati tomato dan thyme kering. Masak selama 2 minit, dikacau selalu. Masukkan pula stok ayam dan dididihkan sehingga sos kurang sehingga ¼. Masukkan pula krim berat ataupun krim putar, dikacau sehingga berkurangan ataupun pekat. Letak garam dan lada hitam secukup rasa. Alihkan dari dapur, masukkan ke dalam pengisar makanan dan kisar sehingga rata
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Japanese-style mashed potato salad/salad kentang lenyek ala Jepun
2 Small potatoes (to be cleaned, cut into 4)/kentang kecil (dibersihkan, dipotong 4)
1 Tablespoon butter/sudu makan mentega
Sliced button mushroom/hirisan cendawan butang
Slice of Japanese cucumber/hirisan timun Jepun
½ Tablespoon of diced onion/sudu makan potongan dadu bawang besar
Salt to taste/Garam secukup rasa
Water for boiling/Air untuk merebus
Boil the potatoes have been cleaned and skinned with salt until tender. Put sliced button mushrooms in a broth of potatoes once, before strained the potatoes. After strained till dry, add to the bowl. Add butter, onions, sliced Japanese cucumber, and salt to taste and then mash the potatoes until smooth and blended with other ingredients nicely.
Rebus kentang yang telah dibersihkan dan dibuang kulit bersama garam sehingga lembut. Masukkan hirisan cendawan butang di dalam air rebusan kentang itu sekali, sebelum kentang ditapis. Setelah ditapis sehingga kering dan masukkan ke dalam mangkuk. Masukkan mentega, bawang, hirisan timun Jepun dan juga garam secukup rasa dan kemudian lenyek kentang tersebut sehingga lembut dan sebati dengan bahan-bahan yang lain.
Picture Credit to Souvlakiforthesoul |
Blanched asparagus/asparagus celur
5 Pcs of baby asparagus/batang asparagus muda
Salt & pepper to taste/garam & lada hitam secukup rasa
1 Teaspoon of walnut oil/sudu kecil minyak walnut
Ice-cold water/air sejuk
Blanch the asparagus in boiling water and then strain. Quickly soak the blanched asparagus in ice water in order to get the nice crunchiness and nice color of the aspargus and then strain again. Arrange on the plate and dash up with a little salt and pepper to taste together with walnut oil.
Celur asparagus di dalam air mendidih kemudian di tapis. Dengan cepat, masukkan asparagus yang telah dicelur tadi di dalam air sejuk untuk mendapatkan kerangupan dan warna asparagus yang menarik. Susun atas pinggan dan ditaburkan dengan secubit garam dan lada hitam bersama sesudu kecil minyak walnut.